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Ten Ways to Make Working and Learning from Home Easier

We’re all doing it – trying to get things done online from home. Learning or working at home presents several challenges. We’ve compiled some ideas to help you get the most out of this unique experience.

  • Reliable Fiber Internet Connection – Fiber internet often increases your upload and download speeds, can allow for more data backups while you’re working, and helps decrease the frustration you feel throughout the workday when your internet isn’t working properly. It’s also great for streaming, using multiple devices and gaming when you need a break. To see if CenturyLink fiber internet is available in your area, check here – to check your internet speed click here.
  • Strong Passwords and Passphrases – Now that you and your family are connected, it’s time to update those passwords with unique passwords for each device and account so if one account is compromised, your other data is still safe and sound. We recommend a passphrase with characters that you can still remember, such as il1k3@appl3p1e instead of ilikeapplepie.
  • Dedicated Workspace – With the lines between professional and personal life blurring even more this fall, a space in the home devoted completely to your work or schooling is critical for fostering work-life balance. We suggest lots of storage for your laptop and other devices, comfortable headphones, a good desk lamp and webcam as well as essential supplies (like multiple mugs of coffee) so you’re ready for anything your day may hold.
  • Set Ground Rules – If you always have a status meeting at 9a.m. – make sure the family is aware. Establish quiet hours or outside time. If lunchtime is a family activity ­– plan for it. Although we are all accustomed to hearing the dog bark, or the garbage truck rumble by, setting a few rules can help reduce the stress of it all.
  • Routines Help – If you always had yogurt and coffee or did a quick run before starting your day – do that. Consider online Karate or another afterschool activity to help the kids adjust and put some routine back into their afternoons. Keeping your routine as much as possible will help you get through all of this.
  • Meetings Matter – The future of meeting with our colleagues or classmates includes new communication platforms. Whether you’re organizing a Zoom happy hour or trying to call your colleague on Microsoft Teams, take the time to download the most up-to-date application your company or school uses, and be ready to go prior to clocking in so you don’t lose valuable time. Also, look at some of the backgrounds available – that way your virtual meetings can be virtually anywhere – not just the spare bedroom.
  • Replenish! –  75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated, so make sure you’re able to perform your best by getting those ounces in every day. Think of yourself as a more complicated plant and drink water whenever you can.
  • Move It – Remember the complicated plant analogy? You need sunlight and the ability to stretch, too! Make sure you’re setting aside some time to move and get outside every two hours, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Your productivity and mood will soar!
  • Go Wireless – For those of us who tend to tangle our cords every which way, you may want to consider a wireless mouse and keyboard. For those sensitive calls with your boss, teacher or clients, wireless headphones or ear buds are perfect. With so many choices on the market, you’re sure to find perfect solutions for your day-to-day work or those FaceTime calls with long-distance relatives.
  • Updated Applications – We know it’s annoying to update your phones and computers, but don’t leave your tech open to known vulnerabilities that could steal your data and damage your devices. Activate parental controls on your kid’s devices. Make sure you have the latest version of every application you run so you can keep your personal information private.


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