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Lumen Lede

An Amenity for Movers

As consumers we have an unquenchable desire for instant gratification and simplification to our busy lives. In the event of moving, it is no different. Residents can be deterred from moving because of the hassle. The question becomes, how can properties turn this challenge into an amenity?  Think about eliminated the need for a new resident to call to have services installed.  How about have the equipment, like an internet modem and router pre-installed.  And, with a few a few clicks internet can be instantaneously activated. Residents can connect all their devices, TV, and gadgets and never miss a moment.

CenturyLink ON™ is CenturyLink’s recommended customer experience solution. For residents, there is no waiting and no hassle.  Each home or unit is pre-wired, and the hardware is pre-installed.  With easy online signup and instant services, residents can access their Wi-Fi the moment they move in. Plus, CenturyLink ON™ solutions are unique as CenturyLink develops tailored solutions for each property at any stage of development or completion.

CenturyLink services and features are not available everywhere and speeds may vary. Contact a CenturyLink Connected Communities Expert for details at

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