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Lumen Lede

On the edge: Emerging technology demands more from infrastructure
July 20, 2022

We are at the dawn of a new era. The fourth industrial revolution and society’s digital transformation is quickly taking shape. The rapid growth of advanced technologies like blockchain, cryptocurrencies, the metaverse and NFTs means companies need a new kind of partner—next generation partners that can securely deliver the underlying network.

With increasing opportunities for tech companies and their channel partners to find solutions, we asked Dave Young, Senior Vice President and Channel Chief at Lumen Technologies, about how Lumen’s edge compute is supporting emerging technologies.

What are some of the challenges emerging technologies face?

In the case of several blockchain companies we’re working with, many of their challenges weren’t novel, but the solutions we provided are—much like the emerging tech itself.

While the challenges facing new tech companies can be unpredictable, some similarities exist—for example, the cost and importance of network investments, supply chain struggles, and the growing need for speed and a global presence.

How do you build a solution to meet unique needs?

Here’s an example of a challenge we just faced. When looking to ignite growth, a blockchain company recently turned to Inflect, a Lumen Channel Partner that specializes in digital infrastructure and connected solutions, to increase its global, decentralized network and grow its community amidst swift industry expansion. Successful channel partners like Inflect sit at the confluence of tech and customers. These partners are equipped with a keen understanding of Lumen’s advanced technology portfolio.

Using their industry knowledge Inflect helped build a frictionless solution with Lumen Edge Bare Metal for the customer, the fastest blockchain in the world and the fastest growing ecosystem in crypto, to achieve its aggressive expansion goals. Additionally, Inflect’s approach made it possible for the blockchain company to procure and lease server space to its validator community, allowing them to sidestep individual investment, overcome supply chain challenges and accelerate their growth.

What are the benefits of Lumen edge compute to blockchain or other decentralized technologies?

Lumen edge compute complements the blockchain company’s needs. It provides the secure, geographically diverse and lightning-fast network presence they need to quickly scale. It also provides a seamless way to deploy and maintain a distributed presence without the client needing to purchase, implement and maintain physical hardware.

For example, Inflect recognized the importance of selecting a provider known for its investments in edge computing. They understood that a blockchain company’s innovative approach necessitated a similarly innovative network provider—one that’s highly peered and able to securely route a lot of traffic quickly. Inflect also recognized the people building on blockchain need servers located as close as possible to major markets to bring the emerging tech closer to where peak users are located. Lumen is positioned to deliver on all of it—from innovation to speed.

What trends do you see for edge compute across emerging technologies?

There’s tremendous growth opportunity out there for edge. Abstract ideas and concepts, like blockchain, are becoming more concrete as they find mainstream applications. The right partnerships will be key to keeping pace with market evolutions.

As technology advances, working with channel partners who are focused on security, edge compute and next-gen technologies will be critical to meeting the evolving needs of emerging technology markets.