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Restoring service to Des Moines, Iowa


We will provide updates as needed and let you know when service has been restored. 

Updated Kune 5, 2024

On May 30, some customers in Iowa experienced a service disruption, caused by a water pipe break affecting electrical equipment, which impacted landline 911, phone, and Internet service.

Outages directly linked to the water pipe break have largely been resolved. Among them, we resolved an intermittent issue involving MercyOne yesterday and we continue to work with them on any remaining issues they may find.

Our voice switches are now operational but there are still a small number of customers who may be out of service as we finish up. Multiple engineers and technicians are working 24/7 and the remaining few customers will progressively continue to restore.

Given the size of this market, there will be customers that may have outages due to issues not related to the water pipe break. We urge any customer experiencing any type of disruption to reach out to us using the 1-800 number on their monthly invoices. 

Please see the Q&A section below.

Q: What happened?

A: A service disruption, caused by a water pipe break, is affecting landline 911, phone, and Internet service for some customers in Iowa.

Q: How did it happen?

A: A water pipe break impacted the electrical system powering critical equipment.

Q: What are you doing to restore service?

A: We are rerouting power around the compromised components of the electrical system, in order to reinitiate service.

Q: When will service be restored?

A: Restoring impacted services is our top priority. We do not have an estimate, at this time, but check back here for updates. We appreciate your understanding and patience.