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Public Policy

CenturyLink Congratulates Brendan Carr On Nomination
June 29, 2017
By   David Bartlett, Vice President of Federal Government Affairs
June 29, 2017

CenturyLink, Inc. (NYSE: CTL) supports the nomination of Brendan Carr to serve on the Federal Communications Commission, issuing the following statement:

“CenturyLink congratulates Brendan Carr on being nominated to serve as an FCC commissioner,” said David Bartlett, CenturyLink vice president of federal government affairs.  “Carr is a first-rate lawyer with a behind-the-scenes track record of getting things done at the FCC. He understands the challenges of providing broadband service to rural America and the importance of the U.S. remaining the global leader in broadband deployment. We look forward to working with him on policies to bring the benefits of the broadband economy to more communities in America.”
