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Public Policy

CenturyLink Backs FCC Open Internet Proposal
May 18, 2017
By   CenturyLink
May 18, 2017

CenturyLink, Inc. (NYSE: CTL) backs the FCC’s new open internet proposal, issuing the following statement:

“CenturyLink strongly supports a return to a light-touch regulatory framework that classifies the internet as an information service as opposed to a public utility. Removing excessive and over-reaching Title II public utility-style regulation will lead to more innovation and investment and help ensure the internet continues to evolve and expand to meet customers’ ever-growing online demands. 

CenturyLink is committed to an open internet that allows our customers to access all the lawful content of their choice from any location or device and will continue to be transparent about the handling of internet traffic, customers’ privacy and the overall internet experience.”  
