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Public Policy

Data Privacy Day
January 28, 2018

Author: Linda Gardner, Vice President, Chief Privacy Officer

January 28, 2018

CenturyLink joins a list of companies and individuals dedicated to data privacy and security as a Champion of Data Privacy Day. This annual awareness event is hosted by the National Cyber Security Alliance to commemorate the signing of Convention 108, the first legally binding international treaty dealing with privacy and data protection.

We’ve released several blogs over the past few months dealing with online safety, cyber bullying, and CenturyLink’s commitment to cybersecurity. These tips may seem like common sense, but many citizens aren’t aware of just how wide their information footprint may be online. According to a study by Proofpoint, social media-based phishing attacks jumped 500% in 4Q 2016. The FTC has some great resources to help you protect yourself from scammers, hackers, and identity thieves.

Today, we are asking you to join an international conversation around the safeguarding of information in our digital society. The NCSA has many resources on their site for getting involved at work, at home and in your community. CenturyLink, as always, encourages you to safely engage with the digital economy and be an advocate for privacy awareness on and offline.