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Lumen Lede

Seattle’s largest event complex embraces the possibilities of the new Lumen brand
December 10, 2020

A photograph depicting an iconic moment in Seattle Seahawks history proudly hangs on the wall in Senior Vice President of Revenue Amy Sprangers’ home office. It shows running back Marshawn Lynch rumbling 67 yards for a touchdown in the 2010 NFC Wild Card playoff game. The resulting crowd noise was so intense that it registered on a nearby seismograph.

Her enthusiasm about the team’s efforts to rebrand its home stadium to Lumen Field almost matches the energy surrounding that winning score. After hearing the news about the name change, her first thoughts were “let’s get to work.”

“It’s such a perfect match. The rebranding reinforces that we are data-driven in everything we do, which you would expect considering Seattle is a hotbed for technology,” Sprangers says. “It’s more than just providing our fans with an amazing experience. We see this new branding as global opportunity as well.”


The daunting logistical task of renaming the stadium doesn’t diminish Sprangers’ excitement. When the Seattle Seahawks officially unveiled the new name in November during a nationally televised game against its division rival, the Arizona Cardinals, it represented only the tip of the iceberg.

Senior Vice President of Business Operations and General Manager, Lumen Field, David Young is busy developing an inventory of every physical and digital asset that needs to be renamed.  This extensive process impacts everything from highway traffic signs to web pages to the labeling on trash cans.  A jocular veteran of NFL stadium management, Young jokes that he wishes he had a button on his desk to make it all happen instantaneously. 

The new name represents the third rebranding of the stadium over the last two decades.  Young first worked for the complex when it was known as Qwest Field, and returned to Seattle after a stint running football stadium operations in Kansas City. He agrees with Sprangers that the timing for a rebrand couldn’t be better.

“The Lumen messaging lines up with everything we are doing as an organization. It reinforces how innovative we are,” he said. “We are using data right now to inform all of our business decisions. It’s integrated into every department.”

Lumen Field is an extensive complex that includes the largest event space in the region. As CenturyLink Field, the facility’s rich history included everything from NFL championship games to Major League Soccer Cup Finals to rock concerts by some of the world most famous bands. Amy says if you think of an event, they have probably already done it. Now, she’s considering how the rebranded complex will create its own historic moments.

“The Lumen brand generates a new level of energy that allows us to tap into the true potential of what our assets can be able to deliver. We expect more wonderful things to happen on Lumen Field,” she said.