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News Releases

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  • December 8, 2020
    Businesses can deploy applications and workloads at the cloud edge via bare metal

    Modern enterprise applications are increasingly required to operate close to the point of digital interaction. Lumen Technologies (NYSE: LUMN) now delivers customers the platform they need to...

  • December 6, 2020

    世界各地的企業都希望改善管理數據的方式,以提高數據密集型應用程式的表現。為協助這些企業輕鬆存取位於任何地點的數據,Lumen Technologies (NYSE:...

  • December 4, 2020

    企業は、世界のどこからでもリアルタイムのデータアクセスが可能になります。 デンバー, 2020年12月4日 / PRNewswire...

  • December 3, 2020

    In a recent study by Lumen Technologies (NYSE: LUMN), nine in 10 global IT decision makers surveyed said the seamless integration of applications and their network is a top priority. The Lumen...

  • December 2, 2020
    As empresas podem se beneficiar de acesso a dados em tempo quase real, virtualmente através de qualquer distância

    As empresas em todo o mundo estão procurando melhorar a forma como gerenciam seus dados para aprimorar o desempenho de aplicações de uso intensivo de dados. Para ajudar estas empresas a acessar...

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