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News Releases

Advanced Search
  • April 1, 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic is making the need for equitable access to technology essential across the nation. Families desperately need computers for home learning, access to telehealth, tools for newly laid off individuals, and access to the world during a time of extreme isolation...

  • April 1, 2020
    SYNQ3 Restaurant Solutions, with the help of CenturyLink, is currently processing more than 100,000-plus calls daily, a 200 percent increase as restaurants have moved to takeout-only services, and they are hiring furloughed workers.

    As more local and state governments mandate restaurants move to carryout and delivery only, some restaurants are helping customers by enabling essential takeout technology...

  • April 1, 2020
    Company Donates Vital High-Speed Connections to Support Field Hospitals

    CenturyLink is donating high-speed internet connections to temporary hospital facilities created to help ease the burden on the nation's healthcare system. The company is immediately responding to...

  • March 23, 2020

    As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to spread across the United States — affecting the livelihoods of millions of workers — CenturyLink is taking an immediate, aggressive, and industry-leading...

  • March 19, 2020

    Aufgrund der hohen Nachfrage nach Colocation-Services in der Region hat CenturyLink (NYSE: CTL) seine Datacenter-Infrastruktur in Hamburg ausgebaut. Im Zuge dieser Erweiterung wurde die...

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